Explore your debt relief options
Get a better understanding of debt relief options available to improve your cash flow.
Get a better understanding of debt relief options available to improve your cash flow.
You need to sign a credit contract amendment to agree to the reschedule.
If you reschedule your loan:
When can I apply to reschedule my loan?
Contact us using one of the following options to find out how we can use debt rescheduling to lower your loan repayment:
Note: Allow up to 48 hours for us to respond to your SMS or email.
You can also consider debt review if debt rescheduling or consolidation does not provide the relief you need. If you’re over-indebted, a debt counsellor can help by restructuring your debt repayments based on what you can afford. The debt counsellor will assess your living expenses and calculates an affordable payment plan.
The aim of debt review is to help you manage and repay your debt. Debt review doesn’t mean that your debt gets written off.
Our experience shows that 75% of people under debt review experience no long-term benefits afterwards despite paying all the debt review fees.
Under debt review:
Speak to us first if you need help. We can look at zero-fee personalised options to improve your situation.
If you earn an income but find yourself over-indebted, you may qualify for debt review.
You are over-indebted when you don't have enough money to repay your debts after providing for your necessary living expenses.
No. You also won’t be able to use your existing credit such as your credit card or retail accounts.
If you've already contacted us and together we've determined that debt rescheduling or debt consolidation are not suitable relief options, you can visit the National Credit Regulator for a list of debt counsellors:
IMPORTANT: Beware of debt relief advertising. The NCR has repeatedly warned consumers about debt counselling SMS and email adverts promising a payment holiday or a savings plan. The NCR has classified this type of advertisement as misleading and prohibited. Debt counselling does not give you a break from paying your debts – you remain responsible for continuing to pay your debts. Read more about this on the NCR website: NCR Debt counselling Press Release: August 2019
It's essential to look at your monthly expenses realistically and only take credit you can afford. Paying off your debt as quickly as possible reduces your total cost of credit and helps you maintain a good credit record. Read more about managing your credit and what to do if you're struggling with debt here.