Trust your sender

Scammers will sometimes imitate a bank's emails and SMS messages to steal your personal information. Here's how to tell whether SMS messages and emails are really from us.


SMS messages

We will only send you two kinds of messages:

  • Bank messages about bank transactions such as money going into or coming out of your account
  • Product and information messages to help you manage your money better

Email messages

We previously used to send email messages with money tips from Now we will only send you email messages with tips to help you manage your money better from Save this email address to your email contact list.

We will only use links to share info already on our website.


What we will never do

We will never ask you to send us banking info such as your Remote Banking PIN or passwords via a link in an SMS or email. We'll only ask you to verify banking or personal info (never PINs or passwords) if you call us.


How to stay safe

You will have one number for bank messages and another for information messages. Each number is unique to each client and it will always be the same number for you, so save it to your phone's contact list to recognise messages from us. Also, save to your email contact list.

Always remember the following:

  • Never give your personal details and banking information to anyone
  • Treat emails and pop-up windows asking for your personal details with suspicion
  • Treat emails that appear to be from Capitec Bank asking for personal details with suspicion
  • Don't follow any links in emails to reach our Internet Banking website. Always type our website address ( or to sign in to Internet Banking
  • Treat any SMS advising you that a Capitec Bank employee will be contacting you to confirm your personal details or banking information, PINs or a transaction with suspicion
  • Never respond or reply to an email that:
    • Prompts you to enter your personal details directly into the email or submit this information in any other way
    • Threatens to close or suspend your account if you don't take immediate action by providing your personal details
    • Asks you to participate in a survey where you have to enter your personal details
    • States that your account has been compromised or that there has been third-party activity on your account and prompts you to enter or confirm your account information
    • Asks you to submit your username, password, token password, PIN or account numbers in an email or non-secure website page
    • Asks you to confirm, verify, or refresh your account or address details


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