4 things Capitec Talent Acquisition Specialists wish jobseekers knew
We asked our Talent Acquisition team for tips to help you ace that next job interview.
We asked our Talent Acquisition team for tips to help you ace that next job interview.
Q: Based on your experience, what can candidates do to ace a job interview?
A: The answer to this one is threefold: you need to be prepared, be authentic and be practical.
Q: What do you wish candidates would do during an interview?
A: Always research the position you’re applying for thoroughly before you start an interview process. Also ask yourself whether the job is a fit for your current skill set and will help you on your career path?
Prepare a few questions to ask at the end of the interview. You might have some questions that relate specifically to the job, which the panel will be able to answer.
To see whether the position will help you along your career path, you could ask the panel questions such as:
When it comes to renumeration, be honest and upfront about your salary expectations.
Q: What’s the best time to arrive for an interview?
A: There’s a fine line between arriving on time and arriving far too early. We advise candidates to arrive at least 15 minutes before their interview is scheduled to start. You might think that arriving 30 minutes early shows that you’re punctual but it can be tricky , as your interviewer might not be expecting you and could be in another meeting.
Q: Have you been completely honest on your CV?
A: Part of a recruiter’s job is to check all the qualifications, job experience and other details you’ve listed on your CV. Always represent yourself honestly. As a financial institution, background vetting is an essential part of our process when concluding an offer.
It’s good to be ambitious, because it shows that you want to grow, but you have to know your current limitations and be realistic about your abilities. Don’t apply for a job that calls for 10 years’ experience if you’ve only just entered the job market.
We understand the pressures that go with finding a new job or changing careers. However, our team of professionals are here to support you throughout the process – whatever the outcome. We like to call it ‘match making’. There has to be a spark for the candidate and prospective employer, and our aim is to find the best fit on both ends and create some magic!