Vikash Maharaj, Analyst Developer
Have you ever wondered what an analyst developer does? Vikash Maharaj filled us in.
Have you ever wondered what an analyst developer does? Vikash Maharaj filled us in.
I’m an analyst developer in the credit division at Capitec. A big part of my job is analysing data, developing insights on the data I’ve analysed and generating reports.
My role is important because, once we have that information, we’re able to figure where to put in more effort to sell more of the popular products we offer. It also allows us to identify what products are not selling and report back to business on them.
It’s been about 8 months since I joined Capitec.
When we were still working at the office before lockdown, the first thing I did was greet everyone in the office on my way to my desk! Then I’ll catch up on my emails and begin the work day. I must admit that I miss socialising with my colleagues now that we’re working from home though.
In a typical day, I’ll get all my tasks from the business users on the Atlassian Jira board. When I pick up a ticket, I estimate how long it will take me to work through and then get cracking. I also spend part of my day on business reviews.
Creating a routine is extremely important during this difficult time. You need to set time for work and time to relax with your family.
I work in the data and analytics guild, and in the credit department. I report directly to business intelligence team leader Alex Smit.
The Jira board definitely ranks high as a go-to tool. It also doubles as a daily to-do list, which helps me prioritise my tasks. I use Microsoft OneNote for my personal to-do list. We have a development life cycle, which involves certain administrative tasks we have to follow for data governance. Another tool we use, called ITSM, ensures that I adhere to all the required policies and procedures.
You definitely need people, communication and technical skills in this role. I’d also add that being a good problem-solver is key – in our business there are many different ways to take on a task, and you have to be adaptable and agile.
My previous job was with a company that was quite modern with regard to cloud technology. What excites me is that I can now take that experience to help Capitec on its digital journey.
I completed a BTech in Information Technology at the Durban University of Technology.
At one point, I really wanted to be a pilot! But I also went through a phase of wanting to be a doctor – there are a lot of doctors in my family. As I got older, I developed a passion for IT.