What are the benefits?

Notice Accounts - Portal - Editorial - portrait@2x.png

  • Your money becomes available after 32 days
  • Earn competitive interest rates
  • Reinvest the interest or transfer it to your Global Biz or Business Flexible Savings account  

32-day notice account interest rates

R0 - R24 9997.00%7.23%
R25 000 - R99 9997.50%7.76%
R100 000 - R249 9997.75%8.03%
R250 000 - R999 9998.00%8.30%
R1 000 000 - R4 999 9998.00%8.30%
R5000 000 - R19 999 9998.00%8.30%
R20 000 000+8.00%8.30%