Keep enough money in your account for your subscriptions

Make sure you know the dates of all your subscription payments and keep enough money in your account to cover them.

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You may have a subscription or recurring payment for services from the following companies or others like them:

  • Showmax
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Amazon
  • Rain
  • Payflex
  • Betway
  • PayJustNow
  • Vuma Fibre – Webafrica Fibre
  • Uber
  • Flash
  • Shein
  • Karri
  • Microsoft

These companies often bill on random days of the month, and some only after a free trial month. If there is no money in your account to cover the payment, they'll keep trying to collect until they get their money.

You pay a fee every time that happens.

Those costs can quickly add up and leave your pockets a little emptier, so if there are any subscriptions you're not using – be sure to cancel them by contacting the company directly.


How to cancel your subscription

We can’t cancel subscriptions on your behalf. To cancel a subscription, visit the company’s website to view their subscription cancellation policy and cancel your subscription with them. If that’s not possible, remember to keep enough money in your account to cover the payment.